Friday, March 27, 2009

Waitomo black water rafting

This was something we had on our list of `to do` in NZ, and Waitomo is the perfect place for it. We had looked at the brochures and expected a leisurely ride on an inner tube floating on a gentle underground stream. It was not like that at all. First of all, we had to practice jumping off a bridge backwards to prepare us for the water falls inside the caves! Even though the jump was not from a great height, it was a bit of a shock.
Once inside, we clamboured over a rocky terrain which was sometimes knee high in water and obviously cold and dark except for our miners torchlights. However, once we had got used to the idea of what it all entailed, we really enjoyed it. There were times when we did float on our inner tubes and look up at the glowworms which was magical. Even the waterfall jumping was fun.
We all got out cold and wet, then had a shower and hot soup and bagels. YUM!
After the rafting, we went to a wonderful B and B up in the hills nearby.

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