Thursday, March 26, 2009


16th March
We got a phone call while we were at WOMAD form some people who had looked at the van and they confirmed that they wnted to buy it. So as they lived in Wellington, we drove back to our `home` in Plimmerton. It was so nice to be back with our friends and feel so welcome. We cleaned up Shirley and took her to her new owners. I felt very sad to be letting her go. She had been our home and transport for a long time and we had got really attached to her. However, it means we have some more money to spend!
We stayed with Sandy, Myles and Zoe for a few days. A BIG thank you to all for everything.
We went with Sandy to see the Terracotta Warriors in Wellington. The first Emperor of China was buried with a terracotta army to protect him in the next life. We saw reproductions of the real thing and only about 48 on display. The whole army was about 7/8,000 originally. The buried army was only discovered when some farmers were digging a well in the 1970`s. Emily remembers that the final flank of soldiers had no weapons, but were given beer to drink for courage. This is shown by their beer bellies, and they did have more cheery faces than the others!
We left Plimmerton on 22nd March and made our way to Waitomo for some black water rafting.

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