Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Able Tasman National Park tramping

22nd January, We went for a kayak, walk and sail in Able Tasman. The weather was perfect and we kayaked for 2 and a half hours, then walked for half an hour mainly uphill and caught a catamaran which was waiting on a beach. We sailed for about 2 hours around the coastline, looking at a seal colony on the way.
27th Jan, Camped at Marahau and met with Rob and Tracy again. We all walked for about 7 miles around the park. We caught a water taxi to Anchorage Bay and walked to Watering Cove for lunch. Em spotted a stingray from the track and we saw it close by our feet when we were swimming in Stillwell Bay! Great day.
That evening we all played cards in our campervan and made so much noise laughing that we got asked to be quiet by the nearby tent occupants!

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