Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Able Tasman kayaking

29th Jan, another fantastic day. I think this was one of the best days of our trip so far. We caught a water taxi to Onetahuti and kayaked around Tonga Island Marine Reserve where we saw little blue penguins and fur seals. As we were a group of 5, we had our own guide who was brilliant, he was in a kayak with Em. Lucas was really knowledgeable and could tell us about the wildlife and history of the area.
We had lunch at Mosquito Bay and explored the Falls river. Steve and I surfed into the creek on a huge wave! Over lunch, Lucas made us latte,capaccino and hot chocolate. Luxury!
We caught the water taxi back from Bark Bay to Marahau.

1 comment:

Harry said...


that water looks so nice!