Monday, October 20, 2008

Opera Weekend

We went to opera in the Vineyard this weekend
The vineyard was north west Sydney near an old mining community, and we arrived at this basic hotel place where everyone met and then went on a bus to the vineyard - a bit of a Blickling event. everyone had brought too much food and we ate as much as we could at the opera and took the rest back to the hotel where there was a bit of a party till late
We had a really lovely weekend - a friend of our friends had organised a group of about 20 people for the trip.
The music was brilliant - it was a top 20 most favourite arias kind of thing - and the singers just fantastic, also weather was perfect and it was hot for the whole weekend.
The next day we drove on the scenic route (and I mean scenic) it looked bit like settler ranches in old westerns as we drove down this long winding river valley - God knows how much some of the posh the places cost but there were also shacks and old tractors etc - we also drove through the national park for about 50k down a dirt track and some met at a pub for lunch and ate some of the rest of the food.
Written by Steve xxxx

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