Monday, March 9, 2009

Doubtful Sound

We all did one last trip together while we were in Manapouri. This was a whole day excursion and involved 2 boats and a coach. We got on a boat at Lake Manapouri and cruised that until we got to the coach which took us to the Hydro power station. Here, we had a guided tour and one of the most interesting pictures was of the Justice Minister, Ralph Hanan in 1968 firing the last shot of dynamite, it was packed with too much dynamite, so it blew all the officials` safety helmets off! The plant inside looked very much like the setting for a James Bond film.

We then got back on the coach and went over Wilmot Pass. We saw some beautiful scenery including many waterfalls.

We then spent 3 hours on a boat going around Doubtful Sound. Apparantly, it got its name because Captain Cook said he was doubtful that his ship would be able to sail into it, so they didn`t!

For me,the best part of this boat ride was when the captain turned off all the engines and asked everyone to be quiet and enjoy the peace and natural beauty for a few minutes.

We also saw a pod of Bottle-nosed dolphins swimming nearby. Magic. What lucky people we are.

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