Thursday, February 12, 2009

Whilst staying in Christchurch, we went to Akaroa on the Banks Peninsula to swim with Hectors dolphins - the world's smallest and rarest. It was only us girls who went swimming
as the boys decided they would just watch. We got to wear full-length wetsuits, snorkels and special bootees (exciting AND attractive!). We set off, but didn't have to go too far
before we spotted some dolphins. The first lot we saw was a nursery pod (there were babies in the group), so we couldn't swim with them, but seeing the baby was an amazing experience.
We carried on, but almost straight away got to get in the water. Unfortunately, as the dolphins are a clever bunch, they managed to trick us into getting in the water, then swam off, but
before long, we were in the sea with the dolphins having a nose around us. We had stones to click together underwater, which attracted the dolphins. It was definately a worthwhile trip.

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