Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas at Waihi Beach

Happy Christmas everybody !!

Arrived at Waihi Beach on day before Xmas eve and the weather was pretty wild.
The site had a great swimming pool - the best yet, it was really warm and there was also a spa pool at about 35deg - and it had a waterslide which was emabarrassing for Emily to watch us oldies.
Unfortunately Jill was ill and we were unable to meet up with them on Christmas day as planned, but we had a great day, Santa even managed to find us - there was a fantastic rainbow spanning the bay and we all had a swim in the sea - Lasagne and roast veg for dinner with traditional pavlova for dessert. luvly.
Met a guy who was a canoe expert and he was able to give me all the tips I needed and more about building a strip canoe.
Would have liked to have stayed on but site was booked for months ahead so had to move on up North a bit to Whangamata

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