Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sydney first stop

Hello everyone. Welcome to our first ever blog. Here are some of our photos. This is our first attempt at a blog entry, so I`m sure the layout will improve as we go! Has and Al are our wonderful friends who live in a suburb of Sydney. We have been staying with them since our arrival in Sydney. We stayed here when we came 9 years ago with the whole family. (I`m sure there will be scenes here that are familiar to you both, Jack and Harry.)
The first picture is Hal in their new kitchen cooking something delicious as usual.
The next two scenes are from Has and Al`s bedroom at sunset. Al is in one picture with me. Then one of Em watching a free film show in the park nearby. The council put two films on for the local community and lots of families came with their rugs, food and chairs. It was a gorgeous evening.
The next pictures are at a ferry stop. We catch the boat here to go into the main city of Sydney. There is a picture of Em with Has and Al`s daughter Charlie (on far right) and her friend Emily, who are very friendly and took us to the Museum of Contemporary Arts one Sunday. You can see Sydney Harbour Bridge in some of the backgrounds.
I`m going to post this now and find some more pictures to write about.
Love to you all Lyn xxxxx

1 comment:

greenfingers said...

Hi there great pictures and great to hear about all the exciting things you are doin cant wait for the next instalment take care love to all of you Sue xx