Sunday, October 26, 2008

3 days in Currumbin on the Gold Coast

Hey everyone, Emily again. We have been staying on the Gold Coast for three days since we flew in from Sydney on Friday afternoon. The house we are staying in is amazing, with balconies and fab views of the beach. The people we are staying with are also really nice, there is a picture of Andrew at Byron Bay, and we have had lots of hospitality and great food since we arrived, with Sophie's delicious salad making a constant appearance at the dinner table. We've all tried to surf, but now our muscles ache, my fingers and knees are rubbed raw, and only dad managed to stand up. I did sort of kneel up though, so I'm quite proud of myself! Luckily, we don't have any pics of surfing, but there are some of me and mum swimming at Byron Bay.
Emily xxxx


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Harry said...

That aint too shabby as far as views go is it!